Whether you’re a current student or recent grad this is your year to
upgrade, explore, and find your path forward


March 12, 2025

6:00 - 7:30 pm | 3636 Research Road NW

Collegiate Accelerator Programs

Fusion Collegiate has partnered with post-secondary and industry experts to offer free gap year programming. Upgrade or complete courses to graduate AND start your university, college or apprenticeship. Accelerate your potential!

Skilled Trades Accelerator

*1-year free program *Students must be 19 or younger on September 1 to access programs 

Excited about a career in the trades but don’t know where to start? Or you’ve heard about this hands-on career path and want to learn more?

Then this program is your next step to finding that perfect career.  Trades Accelerator is a practical approach to exploring career opportunities in the skilled trades. Whether you have graduated high school or are considering a 4th year of high school, this program is an exciting opportunity.

At the end of the Skilled Trades Accelerator program, you will have the skills, training, work experience and credentials you need for your pathway in the skilled trades.  

Choose from training in: Pipe Trades, Insulator Trades, Carpentry Trades, Electrical Trades, Welding Trades or Ironworking.

How do I find out more? Simply fill out the expression of interest online form and one of our team members will contact you. Spaces are limited in this program so contact us today.

And that’s not all…  We work with you as you embark on this pathway and develop your career plan. You will know what you want to do AND how to do it, in your goal to become a journeyperson in your trade of choice.

*Age: available to students 19 years of age or younger as of September 1 of the current school year

Post-Secondary Accelerator

*1-year free program *Students must be 19 or younger on September 1 to access programs 

Not sure what you want to do next? Have you decided to take a gap year? Not sure you are on the right path?  Are you not sure what to do next, but think that it is important to approach your gap year thoughtfully and constructively? At Fusion, you can…

How do I find out more?

Come to one of our Open Houses! Our next Gap Year Open house is on March 12, 2025 from 6:00 – 7:30 PM.

Thank you for your interest in Fusion Collegiate. We are excited to show you what Fusion is all about. Let us know if you are planning on attending our GAP YEAR open house on March 12  and we will send you a reminder so you don’t miss it!

Thank you for your interest.

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